Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yarn score

I LOVE yarn. I'm not into the fancy yarn that's textured or made from Peruvian wool (Although I do love wool) I love being able to get yarn cheaply.

My sister and I make toys for bazaars and lets face it, poor people like us can't afford to be spending 4 bucks on one skein. That's why we go to goodwill.

Don't be quick to judge! Think about it, someone tries to pick up knitting and it doesn't work out, wheres the yarn go? Mrs.Crabb down the street passes away, where does all her yarn go? The goodwill.

Checkout our recent score:

My bads about the low quality photo, my cameras a-wall so I had to use the ipod.

FIFTEEN skeins, folks. Fifteen. And all for eight dollars. And if you kindly will look to the top of the photo you'll see the three balls of purple and the skein of orange, yeah, they're all wool. The purple happens to be home spun and the orange is an untouched skein of knitting nation by Red Heart yarn. You know, the ones with the pin up girls with knitting needles on the tag. I know you've looked at them.

True, if you have a big project and find a color you like there's no guarantee that you'll find the color there again and sometimes it smells like old people but there is literally bags FULL of brand new yarn.

So, yes. I do shop at goodwill. :)

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